Much is often talked about the figure of the ‘coach’, the elevator to professional success or when it comes to solving their personal problems and professional career. These professionals opt for a method of learning ‘non-directive’, through which you can achieve the maximum potential of human capital and develop and enhance the skills and abilities of that person
From the Socratic philosophers (who bet to ask their disciples questions so that they reach their own self-knowledge) to the present day, coaching has been part of the way towards the development of knowledge and professional skills. A work more than remarkable that is based only on three basic principles.
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Three pillars of ‘coaching’ that are what settle all the personalized development that occurs in each particular case. Aspects that guide any learning process and from which the rest of procedures and methodologies of a professional ‘coach’ are raised and what are the principles of coaching? Awareness, self-belief and responsibility.
1. Awareness
«Consciousness is the notion we have of the sensations, thoughts and feelings that are experienced in a given moment. Give you an account to identify the changes you want to implement in your life or in the system of which you are a part and achieve your goals «, explain the experts of the CEREM Business School. It is the compression of the environment that surrounds us
In other words: consciousness implies acquiring knowledge of something through reflection, observation or interpretation of what one sees, hears and feels. It can be improved by concentrated attention and practice.
But it also implies the clear perception and understanding of the relevant information and facts and the ability to determine what is important. «It involves knowing what is happening around us and knowing what one is experiencing or feeling, that is, knowing oneself, recognizing when and how emotions or desires distort one’s perception», add the experts of this practice.
2. Self-belief
The second of the key values in this particular teaching philosophy goes through self-belief. Self-belief consists in believing in ourselves and thinking that we are capable of achieving our goals.
«Once we are aware of our situation it is important to believe in our possibilities to take action and change,» explain the coaching experts. «People have within ourselves all the resources necessary to succeed. We are like a seed that contains within it all the potential to become a great tree. »
3. Responsibility
But none of this is possible if the coachee (the apprentice) does not take responsibility for his or her own learning process. Or, to put it another way, if the person who submits to coaching does not realize or does not respond to the thoughts and actions that are presented to him in the way of his own growth.
We must not forget that, by nature, we tend to blame others for our situation and adopt a passive and weak attitude. But it is precisely that impotence that constitutes one of the main barriers in the processes of change. Therefore, in a coaching process, the coach supports, guides and encourages his coachee by providing all the necessary tools to generate alternatives lead you to your goal.