First contract for the Passion, second for the Experience and third for the Titles ”
I have known few people in the twenty years that I have been working in the sector, that really is passionate from the first day until the last day
It’s my passion that drives me, that hunger to know more about my company, colleagues, our team, customers, technology, suppliers, references, strengths, weaknesses, shortcomings, opportunities, and of course our threats, the desire to improve, for to be able to do more …
The passion can not be detected in a CV, or in a cover letter, I know there will be many recruiters who will not agree with me, they say that the cover letter can reach your personality, I’m sorry to say, I’m not All in all, maybe I’m wrong, maybe some day something will prove otherwise. But today, with the tools that are within our reach, social networks and the multiple websites that you recommend, advise and even design your cover letter, I am one of those people who do not believe in the cover letter, because a copy and paste can not reflect your soul, your essence and your feeling, it can not reflect your passion, …, however, if you can say what another wants to read.
Going back to that phrase that I read on Linkedin, it made me smile, to what extent do we really reflect on professional networks, what we think, or on the contrary, what we know that gives us a good image in the face of the gallery?
I imagine we do both in many cases, in others what we really think, any option is valid, it is not a crime, each one has to go with his conscience, personality and / or interests. However, I can not stop smiling, because managers of companies in our sector share this phrase, as if it were something they are satisfied with, and yet in their companies they do not execute.
I personally know some of those managers, their companies, I have worked with some of them, and I have not seen any hire for passion, they hire before for an experience well and in other cases misunderstood, or for some related studies and in some cases misaligned with the sector, but not out of passion. To a large extent, because they do not understand it, they find it excessive, they are terrified, they can not understand their enthusiasm, sometimes they confuse it with a desire to be protagonists and they resent it, and now … you can dismiss me as a feminist (I do not consider myself I believe in people) but if you are also a woman, all that increases considerably.
This, in turn, led me to think of a phrase that they also use copiously … “Leading company in the sector …” an immense majority when talking about their own organization is a leader in the sector … But good! How many leading companies in the sector can we have? Is that … Are they all leaders in our sector?
Maybe, it seems to you when you read these lines that I mix things, and I do, but it reminded me of that … because not all the companies are leaders in the sector … nor will they hire you for your passion … Or maybe?
Still, stay with the passion for the sector, that passion that leads you to visualize opportunities where others see brown, that fills you and satisfies each time you can contribute, each time you can transmit to a client, partner, supplier or friend who , Logistics can make a difference.
If in addition, you are acquiring experience, and you can study and investigate, congratulations, it is the perfect formula … maybe not for everyone, but for you.