
As you know, much is talking about the expectations that will lead the new ISO 45001 and many are also doubts that we face on the compatibility with the current management system of our organization.

While it is still a draft, for some it is a potential reality, although in the last group meeting CTN 81 / WG 2 “ISO 45001”, the final ballot proposal was negative, largely due to the lack of consistency in some parts of the translation, and is one of the biggest challenges facing the future International Standard ISO 45001 it is to achieve a uniform for countries with requirements Safety and Health disparate criteria.

If we talk about the content of the rule we could say that largely closely resembles the current OHSAS, but in structure of the document, the new standard serves a high-level structure, like the ISO 9001 (quality management ) and ISO 14001 (environmental management). The aim of the high-level structure is that all standards share a common general structure, in order to promote compatibility between different management system standards and to facilitate their integration and implementation.

On the contrary, this high-level structure, has the disadvantage of making the norm rather “generic”, as we can see, for example in the definition of risk is done in the ISO DIS 45001.


RISK: effect of uncertainty.

This definition is accompanied by explanatory notes 4 up to define what from the point of view of safety and health mean by risk.

Another example of high-level structure that can be found in this draft International Standard, is the use of the verb forms “should” (requirement); “Should” (recommendation); “May” (permission, possibility or capacity). However, throughout the draft, with some exceptions, practically the only expression we found is “The organization shall …” is, can not claim under this Policy, unless all your requirements are incorporated into the management system OSH organization and enforced without exception.

As for the content, undoubtedly one of the most controversial aspects is having standard is the section of participation and consultation, which has received numerous comments from various countries. In this section, special emphasis is placed on promoting the inclusion of what the standard called “workers management” in development processes, planning, implementation, evaluation and improvement actions system of OSH management, defining objectives and assessing whether these have been achieved. That is, we must determine what, when, how and whom to inform and communicate and maintain documented these goals.


To the question posed at the beginning of this post, on whether it will be compatible or not the future ISO in the event that already has an OHSAS certification, the answer is in the air, unlike the ISO 9001 and ISO 14001, ISO 45001 there is no formal transition process established by the BSI, is expected to OHSAS retire within approximately 3 years from the final appearance of ISO 45001, the various owners of both standards have not yet decided how will the migration process between the two, even if it will, although it is expected to adopt it without further ado.


We will have to wait for the next meeting of ISO / PC 283 i WG1 from 6 to 10 June 2016 in Canada for a new analysis of the standard. As well as the next meeting on translation into Castilian.

Will we continue talking about health and safety or as raised at the last National Commission should adapt to international (Health and Safety) Health and Safety nomenclature?


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