logistics management and reverse logistics: challenges and trends

log inversa

The new challenges facing logistics management, or at least a good number of them derive from the important development experienced electronic commerce (as we proceeded to start). And no doubt the reverse logistics occupies an important part of the role when finding solutions to these challenges.

In other articles we have reviewed some of the keys to the emergence of new challenges related to the development of e-commerce, highlighting the urgent parcel transport as one of the outstanding in logistics subjects. And indeed, this is one of the issues that most experts emphasize to analyze the new challenges in logistics and transportation, along with other operations directly related to reverse logistics, especially the return logistics and returns.

The full integration of reverse logistics in planning the supply chain is, according to experts, another bend remains to be saved and the only feasible way to provide an adequate solution to needs such as speed management and carrying of returns, essential for the proper adjustment of stocks (among other key issues for the operation of the business), or improving the conditions under which such operations are performed, with a view mainly to reducing costs, both economic as environmental.

Given that almost 80% of returns occur because of errors in orders, and that 15% is due to complications or deficiencies in the after-sales service, the percentage of returns attributable to defects in the product is really low . That is, the vast majority of the returned products are salable (prior review, processing and return to the natural flow of the supply chain), thus the importance of proper planning of reverse logistics for is evident proper management of stocks.

The search for solutions in this regard is, as mentioned, one of the clearest trends in the sector over the coming months, together with the aforementioned (and obviously necessary) cost reduction. On this issue, we again recommend the guide (completely free) Keys for the development of a sustainable company, where reveal some of the keys that explain the importance of proper logistics management flow of expanding the information presented here, inverse of the supply chain to reduce costs of operations in environmental terms.

logistics management and reverse logistics: challenges and trends

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