The ISO 19601 Criminal Compliance Standard has been published.
The ISO Standard 19601 is aligned with the new Criminal Code and its reform of 2015 and aims to prevent the realization of crimes and reduce the criminal risk of the company.
The ISO Standard 19601: 2017, Criminal Compliance Management System. Requirements with Guidance for Use, joins those already published ISO Standard: 37001 antisobes. Requirements with guidance for its use, the Standard ISO 19600: 2015 legal compliance Guidelines, to assist companies in their compliance management in its three versions: criminal, anti-bribery and generic.
The ISO 19601 standard of criminal compliance In particular, the UNE-ISO 19601 Standard has been the result of the work of the technical subcommittee on Standardization CTN 307 / SC1, Compliance Management Systems and Anti-Bribery Management Systems, which also Consultants, law firms, universities, consumer associations or associations for the compliance function, among others.
By adopting a high-level structure that will enable its effective integration with other systems available to the company, UNE-ISO Standard 19601 will allow the company to demonstrate that its actions and activities are carried out with due diligence and that best practices are established for Prevent, detect, correct and eliminate crimes within it.
In this way, it helps to comply with the Criminal Code reformed in 2010 and, above all, to the last reform of the same in the year 2015 that went a step beyond the criminal responsibility of the natural persons and indicates that those companies that Have implemented crime prevention models can demonstrate that they have acted diligently to prevent these crimes, although it does not mean that their responsibility is automatically waived or mitigated.
The Standard UNE-ISO 19601 also incorporates good practices in compliance management, joining the global trend and seeking, through its requirements, to help companies in the identification, analysis and evaluation of criminal risks, as well as to carry out the communications of Conduct that are considered to be potentially criminal and create a culture that integrates compliance management into the company’s DNA and strategic decisions.
Finally, the UNE-ISO 19601 Standard is established as a certifiable system and is aimed at its application by all types of companies regardless of their size, activities, market in which they operate or sectors, becoming a key ally for the future of All of them.