“If you pay peanuts you get monkeys”. There’s no turning back. You both get so much. And if that truth of Perogrullo does not enter the heads of those who design the retributive policies of an organization, let us all go: those who charge and those who pay. Those who charge because they are going to spend the day targeting more attractive job offers, and those who pay because they will spend the day putting up ads or looking for candidates to replace the predictable casualties.
The cheap is expensive. Definitely. High turnover, low job satisfaction, lousy service, dissatisfied customers, and the naive businessman still wondering what he will have done to deserve such a calvary, with the lace bobbin he has had to do to mount the beach bar.
I am not going to question this goodwill, but it seems that those responsible for establishing the retributive policy have escaped a nuance that is not exactly irrelevant: the staff, vicious they are, besides wanting to receive An exquisite treatment – would miss more -, he wants to earn his money to pay for his little things: light, water, food, mortgage, … and from time to time a whim and go to the movies with the family. Or take a cane with the buddies. Putting the salary strategy in the tail of the business plan, as a necessary evil, leads to what it takes.
And you can not get your hands on your head and think that you are a victim of a conspiracy of competition if you have been days and days examining with magnifying glass the costs of raw materials, deadlines with suppliers, energy expenditures And transportation, etc., etc., and then you have passed by and on tiptoe with regard to pay and incentives, resorting to the “by agreement” joker. Very easy, very legal, but experience says not always the most convenient: carries a high risk of leakage. And not just water.
Convince yourself: having valuable, committed employees, and who want to grow with you, has a price, even if you are sure that it will be repaid soon. Otherwise, if you prefer to invest in furniture and rake in salaries, you will build a monkey template. Of those who spend the day warming the chair and eating peanuts.