“In 5 years, 4 out of 10 companies will disappear.” “Today 10% of industrial tasks are in the hands of robots, but in 10 years they will be 45%.” And, in terms of employment, the OECD warns that “in 2030 80% of the type of jobs will disappear”. The 4th industrial revolution is here. And the statistics warn us of the changes that will bring. For the leader, the digital revolution is an opportunity, but it is also a responsibility to react proactively to these forecasts. How? Adapting companies to change, growing sustainably, being at the forefront of new technologies and, at the same time, being able to change the way we work.

“In 5 years, 4 out of 10 companies will disappear. Leaders have the opportunity and the responsibility to react to this pres- sure. ”


The world has changed in a brutal way.


Innovation is not the direct result of financing but of the creative energy of people. In order for this determination to be unleashed, the commitment of the workers is indispensable. In fact, having highly committed people increases the probability of returning to black numbers by 44%. In addition, commitment or passion – the highest level of commitment – statistically accounts for 50% of the loyalty of your employees. And this loyalty of workers can explain up to 29% of the results of a company. However, the reality is of another color. In the world, only 14 out of 100 people (between 13% and 15% of the population, depending on the year and the events) are highly committed to work. In Spain only 7%!


Spain ranks 14th in the world wealth ranking, according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF). One of the main engines of growth of the national wealth is innovation. However, Spain is relegated to a discreet position 28 in the Global Innovation Index (GII). The data from the FECYT Technology Panel – a report that measures the number of companies that regularly innovate in our country – indicates that only four out of every thousand Spanish companies are really betting on innovation as an essential part of their strategy. There are the data. I do not want to judge them, but it seems obvious that they are quite improvable and that we have to act.

Innovation is key. It was in the past. And it will continue to be in the future. Digital innovation was the cause of the 50% growth of US wealth in the years prior to the crisis. And in Europe, innovation accounted for 25% of the increase in wealth in the decade prior to the start of the crisis (1997-2007) as well as 55.6% of the increase in productivity in that period.

In Spain, increasing the company’s innovation activity by 3.7 percentage points increases sales, according to data from the Technological Innovation Panel (PITEC). Unless it is digital innovations, in which case the increase in sales reaches up to 7 percentage points.


First, you have to analyze what problem you have, how you are going to solve it, how much you are going to invest in the technology that gives you the solution, and if it makes sense after all, you throw the investment forward. But seeding the field with sensors without knowing what you are going to control with them is dangerous. Many do it to show that they are doing technological projects. And that can only be the prelude to a great failure.

In Spain we are still too accustomed to two things: 1. To do things as they have always been done. I call it the syndrome of “but if until now it worked”. 2. We are culturally accustomed to the fear of making a fool of ourselves, I have empirically proven it. It’s hard for us to innovate because failure can have negative implications: losing my job, being taken out of the department … If we correct those two little things, the world is ours. Because in Spain we also have the two necessary ingredients to innovate. One, the ingenuity. We are very flexible, we change the way we do things with relative ease and we adapt. And two, we are people with a lot of energy.


CEOs have a hard time recognizing – especially in public – that they do not know or do not understand something. That is a problem. Above all, now that new technologies such as blockchain arrive, which are not easy to understand. And if you do not understand and you are ashamed to ask, in the end what you do is stop the change, with the high cost involved. Reading, training and asking experts are basic aspects to successfully face this new environment.


We only have one,: Adapt or die as a company. You choose. In order to successfully face the digital transformation in Spain and Catalonia, the paradigm must change. CEOs must be reborn, through a training of the new

Industry 4.0: Digital Revolution

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