How to Calculate Employee Productivity

For all those who have a business, the main objective is to operate with the highest possible return from the available resources. In this mission, the role of employees is essential, as it is the templates that will carry out much of the business activity. Now, how can the manager or manager know if the workers are being effective in their positions?

To do this, more and more companies are concerned with setting parameters to calculate the productivity of professionals, detailing the strengths and weaknesses of individuals and teams.

Do you want to know more about this? In this post we help you evaluate the performance of human capital.

What is employee productivity?
Parameters to calculate productivity
What to do after the measurement?
What is employee productivity?

As we all know, the working day does not represent the labor productivity of the workforce. Thus, there are workers who spend more hours than stipulated in their position without being really productive, while others can limit themselves to their assigned hours and generate superior results with better management of time. It is not, therefore, how long the professional stays in the office, but how much time he makes during those periods of work.

Nor do the production results themselves represent the level of effectiveness. In fact, the performance of employees has traditionally been associated with the goods or services generated, but this is measuring production, not productivity.

However, at present, productivity is a much more complex concept, in which different parameters such as job satisfaction, motivation, organizational climate, values, teamwork come into play … It is not just about quantity Of work, but of quality of the same.

In this sense, to establish the productivity of workers, three variables must be taken into account:

In the P & A Group, we have different people management programs with which to boost the knowledge, development and motivation of work teams as a key to entrepreneurship.

Parameters to calculate productivity

Of course, during the study of productivity rates, there are a number of factors that we must take into account:

Weather. It will be necessary to indicate the periods during which the performance of the professional will be analyzed. In this way, we will obtain homogeneous results between the different workers that will allow us to compare with each other, as well as to obtain a vision on the evolution of the performance in a concrete space of time.
Settings. We have already indicated that the goods generated or the time spent are not sufficient to calculate the actual productivity of the employees. For this reason, Human Resources managers should establish the criteria to be taken into account in this study: satisfaction index, achievement of goals, training improvement …
Measuring tools. How are we going to get the results? It is a matter of choosing the instruments that will help us to evaluate the aspects defined above, such as performance evaluations, work climate surveys, training reports, balanced scorecard, customer satisfaction, etc.

What to do after the measurement?

Together with the measurement of results, we must also establish the actions we will take to improve employee productivity rates. Otherwise, without a subsequent action plan, the scenario would recur or worsen.

As established by Diego Arredondo in the procedure guide, how to calculate employee productivity, managers must take into account the following tips to achieve continuous improvement in the performance of their human capital:

Facilitate training and training
Inform and clarify doubts or reluctance about evaluation methods.
Provide incentives and benefits for the most productive workers.
Identify the strengths and weaknesses of each employee.
Give appropriate feedback to employees about their results.
Emphasize the positive points to develop productive work.
Encourage workers to provide feedback on the evaluation process and results.

How to Calculate Employee Productivity

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