SQAS assessment.
The SQAS (Safety and Quality Assessment Systems) scheme involves the verification of compliance with quality requirements, safety and environment defined by the chemical industry for its suppliers.
After an evaluation, AENOR issues a “crowded” where attests that assessment has been performed regardless of the outcome of it.
It is not a certification because it is not necessary meet minimum. The assessment reflects the current situation in which it is performed and the crowded attests to this.
In the questionnaires SQAS not only questions to be performed in the evaluation are collected, but also include the methodology for implementation.
It is the task of the chemical industry and the supplier evaluated, correct and improve the results of the evaluation.
The SQAS scheme is owned by CEFIC, the European Chemical Industry Federation. AENOR as certification body authorized by CEFIC and qualified personnel can perform the SQAS evaluations and issue the police report.
SQAS (Safety and Quality Assessment System) is a common methodology for all of Europe that allows assessment of the levels of safety, environmental management and quality distributors, warehouses, transporters and tanks Lavaderos Chemicals
The SQAS audits stem from an initiative of CEFIC (European Chemical Industry Council) and are framed within the “Responsible Care” program of the Chemical Industry.
SQAS assessment module for chemical distributors SQAS ESAD called. Chemical Distributors can participate in this program Responsible Care SQAS ESAD after evaluation
The chemical companies are referenced to the SQAS audits in the customer-supplier relationships and perform their contracts on the basis of them.
AITEC offers companies a technical collaboration in this area by providing accredited auditors in the following modules:
TRANSPORT SERVICE: Companies with own transport and / or outsourced recruitment agencies transport, freight forwarders …
TANK CLEANING: wash stations inside tanks, tank containers, containers, GRG’s …
WAREHOUSE: Storage of chemicals
SQAS ESAD: Distributors of chemicals
certification process
1.- planning – team formation
2.- Pre-assessment
3.– Actions