While 86% of companies intend to incorporate talent in 2018, the lack of commitment of professionals (76%) with their current project, is generating more than half of the hirings do not exceed the first year in the company . However, this figure improves by 60% when using a selection of people based on values, attitudes and if the company has a quality onboarding program.

Source: See link

Something we will have to do if one of every two hiring comes out frog. Have we thought about the economic and emotional cost they have – both for people and for the organizations themselves – these failures? The mere fact of considering the time lost in the selection process, on boarding, training, evaluation of unfulfilled expectations and disengagement is overwhelming. If we also take into account the opportunities that both of us have lost in the process, the calculation is impressive.

Therefore, investing in guaranteeing success – or at least improving this ratio of success – seems a necessary and urgent task.

Certainly it seems necessary to stop hiring knowledge (after all this, with desire, whether it acquires yes or yes) and start hiring for values ​​and attitudes.

There is already a saying that tells us: ‘We hire for skills and dismiss for attitudes’.

So, let’s focus more on the human quality of the people we incorporate – something as simple as being good people – and in their desire to join the project, their emotional attachment to it.

Some interesting questions, duly introduced in the selection interview, can give us clues in this regard:

Do the candidate’s values ​​match those of the organization?
Will you be comfortable working the way we ‘work here’?
Why might you be interested in our business project?
Apart from a payroll, what will you get from us? What can we provide?

Duirngrecruitment process, hire passion in the candidates

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