The stamp ‘e’ boost the sector of logistics and transport.
Certification is established as an aid to enable companies to improve their operations, while promoting the image of the sector.
The seal ‘e’, the first certification of specific excellence for the sector logistics and existing transportation in the Spanish market has experienced strong momentum in 2014, which has gone from being an initiative budding become a reality which it will gradually implemented between actors in the sector.
Last October marked a before and after for its development, with the inscription of the Foundation for Excellence in Logistics and Transport in the Register of Foundations of Public Works.
Driven by business associations that formed the Regulatory Council Seal ‘e’: ONE, Adigital, CEL and Citet; This Foundation was created on May 8 to promote such certification.
The same organizations appointed in November 2013, Juan Ramon Rodriguez President of the Council, who also holds the same position at the Foundation.
Now, Rodriguez makes balance for the first stage of development of the label ‘e’, which has its antecedent in the ‘logic’ label, while bringing important developments with respect thereto.
Motivations and principles
The label ‘e’ was born with the aim of establishing a Code of Good Practice for the entire transport sector and logistics. The purpose of it is to be an aid that allows companies to improve their processes and operations, and a label that enhances the image of the sector.
However, this does not mean that anyone can get the stamp, “we put the bar very high, and any company that intends to obtain certification must take this into account,” says Rodriguez. To this end, the certifying companies have jointly established common criteria, which are based on a detailed definition of the issues to be considered by the Foundation.
Thus, the time stamp chargers associate the terms ‘e’ and logistics excellence, have the same will become a competitive advantage. Therefore, although the Foundation are cautious before the intention, indicated initially, to introduce chargers on the seal, an issue now being analyzed, it is true that it is important for the organization to have the cooperation of business associations which promote among its members the need to require operators and partners seal.
For this reason, one of the objectives of the organization in the short term it is that business associations are integrated into the board of the Foundation for what has already been approaches with Anfac, the Valencian Federation of Transport, Setram, or TRANSCALIT in Catalonia.
The idea is to establish contacts with shippers, manufacturers and, ultimately, users of the sector, at different points of the Spanish geography, to expand the seal “like a drop of oil.”
The momentum of Development
Similarly, the support that the association has received from the Ministry of Development for 2014 has also been instrumental in the promotion of the seal, both agencies working together in establishing a Code of Practice which promotes logistics in Spain.
Regarding this point, the ‘Logistics Strategy Spain’, presented by the Government in November 2013, spoke of developing a comprehensive integrated document and the sector, based on principles of transparency, respect for free competition, quality standards and sustainability, among others.
Thus, the Ministry is also interested in establishing recognition for companies that operate with transparency, honesty and social responsibility, indicating the presentation of the strategy that the consolidation of a ‘Certification of Business Excellence in Logistics and Transport’ be supported.
This certification is a year later, the label ‘e’. In fact, Government and Foundation will present the certificate during this 2015 Fomento being very interested in move to within the European Union, since there is in this region no similar recognition in the logistics sector.
In fact, the Foundation has come to offer Fomento endorse the label ‘e’, “we do not want our only want the sector to have a tool to drive it,” said the president.
Differences with the previous version
The history of the certification, the label ‘logic’ was intended only for logistics operators, “although this was not enough”, given current trends in outsourcing and subcontracting prevailing in the market, “so we decided to expand” .
In addition, the new version has been certified by independent subsectors added or added to the general certification. Although currently there is only certified for B2C subsector, motivated by the revolution that e-commerce entails for logistics, soon new sub-sectors related to the logistics of dangerous goods, drugs, or cold chain logistics will be added, among other specific operations.
Indeed, the introduction of Adigital, an association that integrates more than 3,000 retails online, is motivated by the expecializacion seal in e-commerce. “This is a new market and put a few bases, in which the seal can mark a way forward, avoiding the intrusiveness and the problems arising from a lack of control resulting from a new market in vogue”.
Other developments regarding the ‘logic’ label is that now companies with other certifications such as ISO, will not be reviewed for the label ‘e’ on the principles that apply to these certifications because “it makes no sense to duplicate work” , assuming that excellence is supported and streamlining processes.
As for the duration of the certifications, these are granted for a period of three years, with an annual review. In these processes it is important that companies report to the Foundation in advance of changes in its supply chain, if any, as this helps lighten renewals and revisions considerably.