EAD Solutions : Solucions for High Performance Teams
Fabio Ander Lete – Antropolog & Coach
Borja Arrizabalaga – Business Consultant
EAD Solutions Objectives:
1.- Increase employee satisfaction to improve their productivity and improve communication in organizations
2.- To inform the HR departments, a detailed report of solutions to problems and opportunities, based on verifiable empirical data in the dynamic sessions with employees in a sport / cultural environment outside the company through TREIC.
Through a proven and reliable methodology:
1.- Diagnostic methodology of problems and opportunities in organizations between members of a department or work team / project or between departments of the same company.
2.- METHODOLOGY OF ANALYSIS of the data in the dynamics TREIC EVENTS
3.- Proposal for Solutions to the Problem to increase employee satisfaction
4.- Delivery of report of metrics to the dpt. of HR of companies