in these changing times, in which 3 months can be an eternity, as we face with certainty the coaching in the change of the organizations so that they can be competitive.

Here I pass some keys:

Is it possible to make changes in the organization, and its culture, without reviewing the beliefs of managers about the behavior of organizations and the prerequisites for their change?

In this post we will discuss the concept of Organizational Change and the way that Coaching can contribute to the transformation of the organization leaving aside conventional approaches, both in terms of methodologies and the treatment of resistance to change.

The cornerstone of these reflections is the phrase of the great Russel Ackoff, author of “Creating the Corporate Future” who clearly defined the impact of our vision and our beliefs and values ​​in the way we identify and define our objectives.

Ackoff said “The problems we choose to solve and the way we formulate them depend more on our philosophy and vision of the world, our science and technology remain”
This phrase tells us clearly that our vision, and our beliefs and values ​​will define how we face organizational change and coaching, helps us to be aware of them.
In the last decades, in the world of management, Change Management, its methodologies, the strategies to overcome resistance to change and many other technicalities were widely discussed and, generally, the results were modest and little changed the vision of the managers, your beliefs and values. In this framework many organizations do not change to adapt to the requirements of the environment.

The revision of beliefs about change includes fundamental aspects on how to achieve change and some questions to work on this issue can be the following:
Are they made or promoted?
Are they imposed or are they gestating?
Do they decide or interpret themselves?

The answers we give to these questions will be intimately linked to our visions, beliefs and values. Each manager will respond differently to each of the questions and their responses will guide the process of change and its results, as Russell Acoff said.

Peter Senge, author of “The Fifth Discipline”, told us in his systemic approach that every pressure we make to an organization will respond with a similar pressure in the opposite direction with unsuspected ramifications.

From things like this arises, among other things, the much-talked about resistance to change.
Senge himself says clearly “people do not resist change, they resist being changed”
Coaching, among other facets, helps managers and their teams to review beliefs, values, visions and, therefore, behaviors.
This leads us to maintain that it is not about carrying out Change Management, but rather a Change of Management.

Conventional methodologies have been, and still are, sequential (a succession of steps to reach the desired model).
Sequential models are useful for working with simple systems such as mechanics, but, in highly complex systems, such as human organizations, they are contraindicated. Sequences refer to reason, but do not contemplate emotions.

Experience shows that more than imposing changes, there is freedom for organizations to be bound and rigid and create conditions for members of the organization to unleash their potential and take advantage of the accumulated knowledge in the organization.

In short, rather than giving orders and imposing plans, it is necessary to enhance the capabilities of their teams.

the coaching in the change of the organizations so that they can be competitive.

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