These are the Keys for personal branding or personal branding in the 21st century
1 Humility always opens doors
Show yourself humble and remember that as much as you can progress and grow there are always people to learn from, always, only in this way will you earn the respect of your community. Humility always opens doors, brings you closer to others, and when faced with a problem it gives you advantages to solve it. Never the arrogance and the superiority samples had long life, here in the virtual world even less.
2 The pillars of your brand: solid, human, credible and authentic
Build a Brand focused on your values and place it on four fundamental pillars: Solid, Human, Credible and Authentic.
3 Help
Help, yes, that simple: help anyone who asks you within your means. If you dedicate time to others you will leave an indelible mark on them, they will always remember you, that you were at their side in difficult or complicated moments and when you need it, you will also have it.
Would you be willing to give part of your time for free to help other people? If your answer is yes, your personal professional brand will always thank you. If your answer is no, do not expect any reciprocity. But, always choose who you link to your brand.
4 Support and encourage your community
Support and encourage your community: To those who start and undertake their professional projects with enthusiasm. To those who start to make their way on the Web, to those who launch their blog, to those who are going through a difficult time, to those who need your community to reach more people.
So much it costs to issue a tweet, make an entry in FB or take a message to LinkedIn congratulating someone for their new venture or a colleague who launches his blog or his book ?.
The true magic of the Net resides in these things, if you give and if you do not give you will not grow and fall back into oblivion.
5 Thanks
Thanks as much as possible to the people who are making you grow through each retuit, like, sharing the contents of your blog (making it visible with your comments), your professional successes and disseminating it in the different networks.
And never forget that without this support you are nobody and your visibility is nil.
6 Collaborate
Collaborate: As time goes by, opportunities to collaborate with other people in the different networks and media will start to arrive.
At the beginning it is very exciting because when you collaborate with someone who asks you, you gain visibility and you feel very happy and fortunate because someone has noticed you and you think it’s wonderful. When you grow up you will have less time for this, but any time you start it will be worth it
Collaborating means investing part of your time in doing something with others, either from the point of view of dissemination or content development or participation for third parties.
Always do what is best for you but never cease to collaborate with other people as much as possible: If you give and collaborate, others will collaborate with you.
7 Make yours the successes of others and share them
Make yours the successes of others and share them Something that seems simple, but that by ego many times in a more or less conscious way it is hard for us to do. Rejoice in the progress of others and share it with your community, once again, if you are not able to rejoice in the successes of others and tell your community, nobody will do it when it happens to you. Be interested, but really for the people with whom you interact, that is to connect.
If what you know and learn you do not share and spread, what’s the use? Share, cooperate, communicate and help, that makes sense.
8 Do not try to imitate anyone
Be authentic and unique, do not try to imitate anyone. Do not underestimate your community thinking that you can sell what you are not. Only from your authenticity and difference will you capture and connect with those who want to remain by your side. Any other path that is not this, is a road without destiny.
And never forget that … If your environment does not shine, you will hardly do it, make your environment shine and then, you will shine.